Victor Davis Hanson talks about this a lot in his book The Dying Citizen from a few years ago... that we have stopped the notion of assimilation and are reverting to tribalism because of identity politics, moving towards a condition where there is no "fabric of society" left, and (in my words) nothing but disparate groups of consumer blobs.
I think you're smelling something in the kitchen that's not actually cooking in the pot. But we'll find out after we've eaten it and I'll remember you said so. Last week I wrote that Trump is going to win because we are not 'minorities', and Progressives want to break every tradition and convention for every minority they can dream up. That's why Newsom is so ready to break families in support of the potential trans minorities he sees in middle school children's confusion. Certain elites on the Left who are dominating many of our [untrusted] great institutions can't seem to get it into their heads that we the people don't need hyphens. If it takes a hillbilly to get that into their thick skulls, then maybe that's what we need. Multiculturalism has broken the union. If we have to assimilate under Trump, whose fault is that? Clearly Biden couldn't control the Wokies. So he will lose the nation. Take it from a former black nationalist. Nationalism isn't something to fear.
I'd say it's been cooking for a while, since Steve Bannon's "economic nationalism". Basically, America is a large, multiracial clan, and the leaders of that clan should look out for the wellbeing of members of the clan.
That's a break from both Bush/Romney-era conservatism (where leaders should look out for the wellbeing of the market) and from wokeness (where America is a group of clans, and some clans are righteous while some are evil, and new clans should be free to move in at anytime)
I wouldn't say we're one clan, but made up of different clans, tribes, and peoples. In the past that wasn't a problem because we were a Federal Republic, but the state has become more unitary overtime sadly.
clans and the state are not exactly 1:1 so yeah our state is a unitary blob of grey and brown, but our clans are still distinct. We simply do not act on this, nor do we know our complete lines of descent, so we aren't fully certain of where our kindred are in this massive nation. I know some related families, but most are scattered and at cross purposes.
Some families are broken though. There is such a thing as broken clans, or clanless people. Those are the race mixers, outcasts, and racial carpetbaggers.
Perhaps due to my Asperger's but I've always found political speeches to be boring. They change no one's mind and the politicians lie, not saying what they actually believe in the hopes of swaying 1% of independent voters or whatever. Trump in 2015-2016 was a highly unusual exception. Some people get excited by speeches, though, for whatever reason.
How can Vance focus on the volk of a nation when he's married to an Indian with a son named Vivek (yes, I understand you mention he pointed this out)? What *kind* of volk is he talking about when the U.S. is 60% white and rapidly falling?
Putting that aside, there are certain structure issues that no one, Trump or anyone else, will be able to fix: a $32 trillion national debt with a $2 trillion a year deficit, 30% of U.S. tax receipts going toward debt interest payments, 20 million illegal Democrat voters let into the country in the past 4 years alone.
In a sense this is all meaningless kayfabe to titilate the public as the country continues to fall off the cliff.
Look, I neither endorsed him here, nor did I predict his impact or analyzed his intentions. I merely observed a shift in discourse, and that it seems important to him. This I deem significant.
As you can see, immigration is truly the gift that keeps on giving for the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class.
immigration obviously doesn't just happen by itself, but is largely deliberately caused and generated by the crimes, abuse, exploitation and atrocities of the corporate-capitalist rulilng class in the non-western world (this is the part conservatives are never told by the professional propagandists and narrative managers in their echo-chambers) who literally use it as a weapon against the 99%, against both working class non-westerners and working class westerners.
And as the ruling class always do with every single issue, they use this issue too to pit the 99% against each other.
The Big Money corporate-capitalists profit from their generated mass immigration in three significant ways -
One is before immigration even starts (but is the propelling force for it). Becasue the corporate-capitalist billionaores have their representitives in government (whether conservative or liberal), the corporate-capitalists get to use public funds and the coercive power of government, and specifically the brutal force of its military, to advance their own narrow class interests (for their own enrichment and domination) across the planet, and especially in the resource-rich global south, often in collaboration with local right-wing capitalist ruling-class abusers and tyrants (their actions are described in detail in the links above), thus bringing about profound devastation of families, communities and entire regions, forcing the poorest of the poor (the easiest target for capitalists since we have no voice or power in a corporate-capitalist centered economy and judicial system) forcing the poorest of the poor to be displaced and seek safety and livelhood elsewhere.
Two, once the poor - who are displaced by Godless corporate-capitalists - arrive in the wealthy country (where they're told that a more safe life for them and their children should be possible) then the second part of their exploitation by the corporate-capitalist billionaires begins. The immigrants now serve to provide the corporate-capitalist billionaires with a cheap labor force which is easy to exploit because new immigrants are willing to work for little and are usually not unionized and are terrified of complaining or protesting their blatant exploitation by the capitalist billionaires, becasue the threat of deportation (back to un-safety for their children) always hangs over their head. The cruel, selfish, heartless God-ignorant capitalist billionaires know this very well and take advantage of this fact to the fullest to squeeze as much as possible out of desparate people (whose communities were broken up by the same capitalist billionaire ruling class that now exploits them also in here) who have no legal or social recourse against their profoundly powerful corporate-capitalist billionaire exploiters and abusers.
Another boon that this provides for the abusive capitalist billionares is that it forces the local (non-immigrant) poor and working class to accept lower pay and worse conditions in the corporate-capitalist industrial plantations, and to largely avoid complaining, striking or rebelling, becasue the capitalists now have an army of desperate powerless immigrants ready to call on to break the strike and replace any striking or disobedient or rebellious workers and to punish those who demand a living wage. It's a really MASSIVE WIN from the selfish God-ignorant perspective of the corporate-capitalist ruling class abusers.
But that's not all. The corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class get to extract another massive boon from the phenomena of mass immigration (that they themselves generated), perhaps the biggest boon of all - the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class have their paid influencers and professional narrative managers tell conservatives (who are profoundly ignorant of the facts and of the root causes of issues and of the course of events that brought us to this point, and therefore easily decieved and emotionally-manipulated) tell conservatives that the immigrants (dispossed and impoverished in their original communities by the corporate-capitist billionaire ruling class) are our enemy, are evil criminal people who came to steal our jobs and our women, AND that it's those famous evil marxists communists who are responsible for the immigration and for the immigrant competition for their jobs (because, according to this line of propaganda, the legendary mythical creatures of scary monstrous diabolical communists - who of course run the world - spend their days scheming up plans on how to hurt hard working righteous americans, becasue this is what evil monstrous communists do, of course, and these legendary frightening creatures also have enormous power, don't you know, they are literally about to take over kill all americans any minute now) and so, dear conservatives, you need to vote for this "righteous" right wing conservative billionaire that we have ready for you here, becasue he loves you and wants to save you and your family from the diabolical plans of the evil monstrous communists who hate you and wish to hurt you through immigration..
So NOT ONLY do the ruling class corporate-capitalists MASSIVELY profit financially from immigration twice (BOTH in the initial destabilization and destruction of the lower classes original communities, described in detail the links above, AS WELL AS once the displaced migrants arrive in the empire's home country, described above), but the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class ALSO get to score massive political wins through it, by cynically pretending to be the ones who will protect "the people" from those evil scary immigrants (who were of course sent by the monstrous diabolical communists to take your jobs and your women), the very immigrants that the Big Money capitalists themselves brought in and use as a weapon against the working class..
So immigration is truly the gift that keeps on giving for the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class - they get to BOTH massively profit financially off of it, AND they get to use it as a way to politically shift the population to the right and convince many well-intentioned but totally unaware and propagandized people to vote for their billionaire representitive into power (who works tirelessly to further the narrow ruling class billionaire interests, funnel society's wealth upwards to the ultra-wealthy and cement the hierarchical class nature of society, the control of the few over the many) becasue the billionaire's narrative managers successfully sold hyonotized conservatives the fairytale narrative that this billionaire is on their side and came to "fight the elite" and protect them from the dire threat of the evil immigrants, the very immigrants that the corporate-capitalists themselves largely generated through resource-extraction, exploitation, abuse, destabilization and destruction of lower class communities south of the border, described in the links above)
Does a person's name or heritage determine their qualities as a citizen? Seems there are measures far deeper which should be considered. Assimilation is the coin of the realm for the US as it was for the Roman Empire. Lose that and lose everything.
Italians that came to the United States by and large abandoned being Italian for becoming "American" in the last century, despite keeping some trappings and accidentals. (I'm of the opinion that that was a mistake and was capitalized on by various parties to break up those communities and the political power they were accumulating, but not my point.)
Are they less "volk" than Mrs. Vance's grandchildren will be?
If you define “volk” as “where one lives” then the concept is meaningless. There are biological differences between population groups and those differences cannot be wished away via ideology, and those differences change the characteristics of the nations to which they immigrate.
I certainly don't think so, but bias admission statement: some of those people are my volk. I think what L.P. has latched onto and articulated here is something important: Even Vance's opening statement about his own wife is perfectly consistent with his later position: he's acknowledging that their relationship is an exception to the "rule" - but helps prove it - that he announces later.
Think of how far we've gone down the road to have to tiptoe around the concept of having controlled immigration policies as a Nation. YIKES. Anyone who has witnessed firsthand what's happened, and is continuing to happen, in places like London, Malmo, Paris, Ireland, etc. knows that does not end well for white women, gays, or - well, anyone.
I don't think anyone's claimed or going to claim that a neighborhood of Italians carries the same kinds of externalities.
Yes Italians are less volk. Only Americans who descend from the English, Scottish, Irish or German are Volk Americans. Everyone else is an immigrant and needs to assimilate and shut up about their filthy ethnic heritage.
A bit o’ pushback: strictly speaking it’s not the Constitution which is holy, nor even the Declaration, rather it’s “these truths” that the Declaration doesn’t invent but merely alludes to.
But since our friends on the ideological/political ‘progressive’ Left specifically rejected the whole idea of a Creator-endowed unalienable right to life, or anything else, and the conservatism based on that, they may now have to live with a conservatism based upon something else
But when…certain political figures…instead use “Our Democracy” it’s not at all clear that they don’t have in mind a straight two-wolves-and-a-sheep majoritarianism. Then, too, the Constitution to these same folk is merely “The Living Constitution” an infinitely flexible document that can be successfully wrapped around any and all legislation
We can leave the liberals alone until time unwinds, but they won't leave us alone. It's in their nature to make sure that everyone is as equally unhappy as they are.
Even if we submit to them, they still won't be happy, because they'll always have an eternal revolution.
"For Europeans, a definition of the nation in terms of land and ancestry has been completely uncontroversial for a very long time (until the US melting pot idea, together with the neoliberal package, started taking root here, too), but for America, this represents a fundamental breaking point in the narrative."
I'd like to point out that the "narrative" of America as a "propositional nation" only really took root in the 90s. Pat Buchanan almost immediately pushed back against it, and despite being vilified as a Nazi for doing so, won tremendous support.
For a Christian people the idea that a nation is somehow transcendent, i.e. an "idea" rather than a part of the created world, is a heresy bordering on idolatry. It was only through subversion of the fundamentally Christian character of America that this con could be foisted upon her people.
When I was a child, as recently as the 1980s, the old, normal vision of America as a people with a land was taken for granted, just like the idea that marriage is between a man and a woman. Vance is only reasserting what is true and right after several decades of bullying, lies and subversion by people who hold Americans in contempt.
Sometimes the most "backward" places, like eastern Kentucky, have the greatest treasures because they have been neglected, and therefore remain less corrupted by the swindlers, liars and thieves in the halls of power.
Thank you for this. It's always very interesting to read your take. In this case, I don't know, to me it sounds like this billionaire-groomed and funded manipulator (see here who he actually is cor ) that he's just playing on us the same old trick that the ruling class oppressors always play on the people (see here for full details on how this right-wing trick works Notice how this pro-genocide ultra-zionist constantly repeats in the most skillfully manipulative way possible (and this skill at manipulation is precisely why he was meteorically brought into prominence by his billiobaire handlers, see link above again) notice how he manipulatively repeats again and again about protecting the nation from threats. It's the same old right-wing ruling-class deception of using the masses as the cannon fodder in their sick wars through the manipulative invocation of "patriotism" and how we supposedly must "protect the country from threats" (while it is in fact the billionaire's global execution force, known as the american military, which is actually the one encircling the entire planet and attacking, bombing and invading humanity, for the corporate-capitalists' own benefit, profiteering, plunder and domination), while constantly hammering into americans' head that we are under threat and must "patriotically" protect the country from the evil enemies who are coming to attack "us" (the ultra-rich manipulators always say "us" and "our country" when in fact our living experience and their living experience couldn't be more different, and when in fact they work diligently against the people to create a welfare state for billionaires and transfer society's wealth upwards to enrich the richest and screw us, while lecturing is about "patriotism". See here ).
It seems to me that what he's doing is textbook example of the trick that the right-wing ruling class oppressors ALWAYS play on the people. Invoking fake "patriotism" against the so-called "threat to national interests, posed by the evil enemies of the nation" to make sure that the have-nots are kept in line obedient, saluting the flag and the ultra-rich leader (who of course loves the have-nots dearly and rwally really wants to protect us from the dangerous threats by those scary evil monstrous enemies) and so never remove them from power (juat replace every few years the right-wing liberal corporate capitalist with the right wing conservative corporate-capitalist. See here
I have heard nothing from Vance that isn't run-of-the-mill Civic Nationalism.
That said, if we can implement actual Civic Nationalism, which the Left also sees as literally Hitler, it's a hop, skip and a jump to the genuine article. So there's that, and there is hope.
They are throwing us a bone. Trump is to catch all the normies RWers. Vance is to catch the dissidents.
They are both jew loving race mixing retards though, so it's not gonna work on me. I am not surprised everyone else falls for a few nice words thrown our way though - just because you like nationalism doesn't make you intelligent. We have voted for faggots like Vance before.
Serious question - I'm very curious who on Planet Earth you would deem of sufficient quality to be elected - can you name anyone, living or dead, who would be acceptable to your standards?
Living or dead? Dead - my list is too long. Patton would be a good first choice. Post-war Patton knew the score. William Luther Pierce too, the man was a bonafide genius. Living? I do not think you would know any of these men.
I will only accept a White man who understands what actual nationalism entails, and is COMPLETELY loyal to the nation. Y'know, like the Founding Fathers. Not race-mixers, not cucks for Israel, not weak-wristed faggots like Trump and Vance. Vance and Trump have split loyalties and are more loyal to internationalists than to people like me.
You have some insightful analysis here of the current political landscape. But your attack on Vance seems to be based on conjecture and not facts. I am waiting to see whether he truly evaluates people on their character instead of their skin color and whether he truly expects people to take responsibility for themselves. We are not electing him to be VP but as the next President after Trump. Let’s give him a chance to prove his ideological purity before we shitcan him
There is no way of doing blood and soil without implying that the ‘original’ people of the land have a better claim to sovereignty (possibly, an absolute, exclusive claim over anyone else, which was indeed the cornerstone claim of Aryan Nazism) than any second-comers, so when any politician appeals to ancestry, connection to land, as the basis for their nationalism but omits the ‘original’ natives, he implicitly commits to racial supremacism, relegating the old natives to the status of subhuman. He may then appeal to something like ‘but we built the roads, malls and factories’, in which case he is no longer asserting an ancestral claim on the land but on the roads, malls and factories. In short, the entire argument from ancestry or connection to land is absurd since if you take it all the way you include all of humanity anyway, since we share common ancestors who roamed the earth before nations existed and relied for their survival on the totality of life on this planet.
A better argument could be made on the basis of economic autonomy, along the lines that we have created value by means of out collective effort, it is our common property, and allowing outsiders to take it as they will amounts to theft. The argument is not perfect, and also may draw unwelcome attention to how the banking system always covertly embezzled this common property without creating any value.
At the end of the 7th day, when everyone is exhausted fighting, half of their children dead, the survivors may just start talking to one another, realise they can speak a common language (human), which is subject to the same, simple but immutable rules of sense, and maybe they will start making sense together.
Wow. I love more than anything a simple cogent argument, it suggests an answer but is not a truth thing but rather a road map to practical action that when implemented will likely beget a new perspective or argument that requires a solution and in this way we achieve anew and build success.
Bravo, dear author. I suspect he’s highly educated, maybe even an intellectual, but he doesn’t seem to be of the circle-jerk ilk so prominent in schools: wankers.
"Socially, conservatives have taken individual rights to mean, first and foremost, the right to be left alone: let us have our conservative communities, and you can have your progressive nonsense, as long as you don’t bother us with it."
Victor Davis Hanson talks about this a lot in his book The Dying Citizen from a few years ago... that we have stopped the notion of assimilation and are reverting to tribalism because of identity politics, moving towards a condition where there is no "fabric of society" left, and (in my words) nothing but disparate groups of consumer blobs.
I think you're smelling something in the kitchen that's not actually cooking in the pot. But we'll find out after we've eaten it and I'll remember you said so. Last week I wrote that Trump is going to win because we are not 'minorities', and Progressives want to break every tradition and convention for every minority they can dream up. That's why Newsom is so ready to break families in support of the potential trans minorities he sees in middle school children's confusion. Certain elites on the Left who are dominating many of our [untrusted] great institutions can't seem to get it into their heads that we the people don't need hyphens. If it takes a hillbilly to get that into their thick skulls, then maybe that's what we need. Multiculturalism has broken the union. If we have to assimilate under Trump, whose fault is that? Clearly Biden couldn't control the Wokies. So he will lose the nation. Take it from a former black nationalist. Nationalism isn't something to fear.
I'd say it's been cooking for a while, since Steve Bannon's "economic nationalism". Basically, America is a large, multiracial clan, and the leaders of that clan should look out for the wellbeing of members of the clan.
That's a break from both Bush/Romney-era conservatism (where leaders should look out for the wellbeing of the market) and from wokeness (where America is a group of clans, and some clans are righteous while some are evil, and new clans should be free to move in at anytime)
We are not a multi racial clan. That doesn't even make sense lol
I wouldn't say we're one clan, but made up of different clans, tribes, and peoples. In the past that wasn't a problem because we were a Federal Republic, but the state has become more unitary overtime sadly.
clans and the state are not exactly 1:1 so yeah our state is a unitary blob of grey and brown, but our clans are still distinct. We simply do not act on this, nor do we know our complete lines of descent, so we aren't fully certain of where our kindred are in this massive nation. I know some related families, but most are scattered and at cross purposes.
Some families are broken though. There is such a thing as broken clans, or clanless people. Those are the race mixers, outcasts, and racial carpetbaggers.
Agreed. There are areas which still retain a distinctive clan, but others are deracinated beyond belief.
Yes it does unfortunately.
Perhaps due to my Asperger's but I've always found political speeches to be boring. They change no one's mind and the politicians lie, not saying what they actually believe in the hopes of swaying 1% of independent voters or whatever. Trump in 2015-2016 was a highly unusual exception. Some people get excited by speeches, though, for whatever reason.
How can Vance focus on the volk of a nation when he's married to an Indian with a son named Vivek (yes, I understand you mention he pointed this out)? What *kind* of volk is he talking about when the U.S. is 60% white and rapidly falling?
Putting that aside, there are certain structure issues that no one, Trump or anyone else, will be able to fix: a $32 trillion national debt with a $2 trillion a year deficit, 30% of U.S. tax receipts going toward debt interest payments, 20 million illegal Democrat voters let into the country in the past 4 years alone.
In a sense this is all meaningless kayfabe to titilate the public as the country continues to fall off the cliff.
Look, I neither endorsed him here, nor did I predict his impact or analyzed his intentions. I merely observed a shift in discourse, and that it seems important to him. This I deem significant.
Regarding national debt, here's a suggestion how to pay it off in one year
Regarding immigration that you mentioned, here are a couple of very important links and afyer thst a more in-depth discussion
an overview of the entirety of the issue, including root causes, kindly see here
And here
And here
And here
And here
As you can see, immigration is truly the gift that keeps on giving for the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class.
immigration obviously doesn't just happen by itself, but is largely deliberately caused and generated by the crimes, abuse, exploitation and atrocities of the corporate-capitalist rulilng class in the non-western world (this is the part conservatives are never told by the professional propagandists and narrative managers in their echo-chambers) who literally use it as a weapon against the 99%, against both working class non-westerners and working class westerners.
And as the ruling class always do with every single issue, they use this issue too to pit the 99% against each other.
The Big Money corporate-capitalists profit from their generated mass immigration in three significant ways -
One is before immigration even starts (but is the propelling force for it). Becasue the corporate-capitalist billionaores have their representitives in government (whether conservative or liberal), the corporate-capitalists get to use public funds and the coercive power of government, and specifically the brutal force of its military, to advance their own narrow class interests (for their own enrichment and domination) across the planet, and especially in the resource-rich global south, often in collaboration with local right-wing capitalist ruling-class abusers and tyrants (their actions are described in detail in the links above), thus bringing about profound devastation of families, communities and entire regions, forcing the poorest of the poor (the easiest target for capitalists since we have no voice or power in a corporate-capitalist centered economy and judicial system) forcing the poorest of the poor to be displaced and seek safety and livelhood elsewhere.
Two, once the poor - who are displaced by Godless corporate-capitalists - arrive in the wealthy country (where they're told that a more safe life for them and their children should be possible) then the second part of their exploitation by the corporate-capitalist billionaires begins. The immigrants now serve to provide the corporate-capitalist billionaires with a cheap labor force which is easy to exploit because new immigrants are willing to work for little and are usually not unionized and are terrified of complaining or protesting their blatant exploitation by the capitalist billionaires, becasue the threat of deportation (back to un-safety for their children) always hangs over their head. The cruel, selfish, heartless God-ignorant capitalist billionaires know this very well and take advantage of this fact to the fullest to squeeze as much as possible out of desparate people (whose communities were broken up by the same capitalist billionaire ruling class that now exploits them also in here) who have no legal or social recourse against their profoundly powerful corporate-capitalist billionaire exploiters and abusers.
Another boon that this provides for the abusive capitalist billionares is that it forces the local (non-immigrant) poor and working class to accept lower pay and worse conditions in the corporate-capitalist industrial plantations, and to largely avoid complaining, striking or rebelling, becasue the capitalists now have an army of desperate powerless immigrants ready to call on to break the strike and replace any striking or disobedient or rebellious workers and to punish those who demand a living wage. It's a really MASSIVE WIN from the selfish God-ignorant perspective of the corporate-capitalist ruling class abusers.
But that's not all. The corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class get to extract another massive boon from the phenomena of mass immigration (that they themselves generated), perhaps the biggest boon of all - the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class have their paid influencers and professional narrative managers tell conservatives (who are profoundly ignorant of the facts and of the root causes of issues and of the course of events that brought us to this point, and therefore easily decieved and emotionally-manipulated) tell conservatives that the immigrants (dispossed and impoverished in their original communities by the corporate-capitist billionaire ruling class) are our enemy, are evil criminal people who came to steal our jobs and our women, AND that it's those famous evil marxists communists who are responsible for the immigration and for the immigrant competition for their jobs (because, according to this line of propaganda, the legendary mythical creatures of scary monstrous diabolical communists - who of course run the world - spend their days scheming up plans on how to hurt hard working righteous americans, becasue this is what evil monstrous communists do, of course, and these legendary frightening creatures also have enormous power, don't you know, they are literally about to take over kill all americans any minute now) and so, dear conservatives, you need to vote for this "righteous" right wing conservative billionaire that we have ready for you here, becasue he loves you and wants to save you and your family from the diabolical plans of the evil monstrous communists who hate you and wish to hurt you through immigration..
So NOT ONLY do the ruling class corporate-capitalists MASSIVELY profit financially from immigration twice (BOTH in the initial destabilization and destruction of the lower classes original communities, described in detail the links above, AS WELL AS once the displaced migrants arrive in the empire's home country, described above), but the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class ALSO get to score massive political wins through it, by cynically pretending to be the ones who will protect "the people" from those evil scary immigrants (who were of course sent by the monstrous diabolical communists to take your jobs and your women), the very immigrants that the Big Money capitalists themselves brought in and use as a weapon against the working class..
So immigration is truly the gift that keeps on giving for the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class - they get to BOTH massively profit financially off of it, AND they get to use it as a way to politically shift the population to the right and convince many well-intentioned but totally unaware and propagandized people to vote for their billionaire representitive into power (who works tirelessly to further the narrow ruling class billionaire interests, funnel society's wealth upwards to the ultra-wealthy and cement the hierarchical class nature of society, the control of the few over the many) becasue the billionaire's narrative managers successfully sold hyonotized conservatives the fairytale narrative that this billionaire is on their side and came to "fight the elite" and protect them from the dire threat of the evil immigrants, the very immigrants that the corporate-capitalists themselves largely generated through resource-extraction, exploitation, abuse, destabilization and destruction of lower class communities south of the border, described in the links above)
Does a person's name or heritage determine their qualities as a citizen? Seems there are measures far deeper which should be considered. Assimilation is the coin of the realm for the US as it was for the Roman Empire. Lose that and lose everything.
Italians that came to the United States by and large abandoned being Italian for becoming "American" in the last century, despite keeping some trappings and accidentals. (I'm of the opinion that that was a mistake and was capitalized on by various parties to break up those communities and the political power they were accumulating, but not my point.)
Are they less "volk" than Mrs. Vance's grandchildren will be?
If you define “volk” as “where one lives” then the concept is meaningless. There are biological differences between population groups and those differences cannot be wished away via ideology, and those differences change the characteristics of the nations to which they immigrate.
This is really basic HBD stuff.
I certainly don't think so, but bias admission statement: some of those people are my volk. I think what L.P. has latched onto and articulated here is something important: Even Vance's opening statement about his own wife is perfectly consistent with his later position: he's acknowledging that their relationship is an exception to the "rule" - but helps prove it - that he announces later.
Think of how far we've gone down the road to have to tiptoe around the concept of having controlled immigration policies as a Nation. YIKES. Anyone who has witnessed firsthand what's happened, and is continuing to happen, in places like London, Malmo, Paris, Ireland, etc. knows that does not end well for white women, gays, or - well, anyone.
I don't think anyone's claimed or going to claim that a neighborhood of Italians carries the same kinds of externalities.
Yes Italians are less volk. Only Americans who descend from the English, Scottish, Irish or German are Volk Americans. Everyone else is an immigrant and needs to assimilate and shut up about their filthy ethnic heritage.
A bit o’ pushback: strictly speaking it’s not the Constitution which is holy, nor even the Declaration, rather it’s “these truths” that the Declaration doesn’t invent but merely alludes to.
But since our friends on the ideological/political ‘progressive’ Left specifically rejected the whole idea of a Creator-endowed unalienable right to life, or anything else, and the conservatism based on that, they may now have to live with a conservatism based upon something else
Yeah, I used "constitution" here as a stand-in for the somewhat vague idea-space that defines American liberalism in people's minds.
Fair enough!
But when…certain political figures…instead use “Our Democracy” it’s not at all clear that they don’t have in mind a straight two-wolves-and-a-sheep majoritarianism. Then, too, the Constitution to these same folk is merely “The Living Constitution” an infinitely flexible document that can be successfully wrapped around any and all legislation
We can leave the liberals alone until time unwinds, but they won't leave us alone. It's in their nature to make sure that everyone is as equally unhappy as they are.
Even if we submit to them, they still won't be happy, because they'll always have an eternal revolution.
"For Europeans, a definition of the nation in terms of land and ancestry has been completely uncontroversial for a very long time (until the US melting pot idea, together with the neoliberal package, started taking root here, too), but for America, this represents a fundamental breaking point in the narrative."
I'd like to point out that the "narrative" of America as a "propositional nation" only really took root in the 90s. Pat Buchanan almost immediately pushed back against it, and despite being vilified as a Nazi for doing so, won tremendous support.
For a Christian people the idea that a nation is somehow transcendent, i.e. an "idea" rather than a part of the created world, is a heresy bordering on idolatry. It was only through subversion of the fundamentally Christian character of America that this con could be foisted upon her people.
When I was a child, as recently as the 1980s, the old, normal vision of America as a people with a land was taken for granted, just like the idea that marriage is between a man and a woman. Vance is only reasserting what is true and right after several decades of bullying, lies and subversion by people who hold Americans in contempt.
Sometimes the most "backward" places, like eastern Kentucky, have the greatest treasures because they have been neglected, and therefore remain less corrupted by the swindlers, liars and thieves in the halls of power.
Thank you for this. It's always very interesting to read your take. In this case, I don't know, to me it sounds like this billionaire-groomed and funded manipulator (see here who he actually is cor ) that he's just playing on us the same old trick that the ruling class oppressors always play on the people (see here for full details on how this right-wing trick works Notice how this pro-genocide ultra-zionist constantly repeats in the most skillfully manipulative way possible (and this skill at manipulation is precisely why he was meteorically brought into prominence by his billiobaire handlers, see link above again) notice how he manipulatively repeats again and again about protecting the nation from threats. It's the same old right-wing ruling-class deception of using the masses as the cannon fodder in their sick wars through the manipulative invocation of "patriotism" and how we supposedly must "protect the country from threats" (while it is in fact the billionaire's global execution force, known as the american military, which is actually the one encircling the entire planet and attacking, bombing and invading humanity, for the corporate-capitalists' own benefit, profiteering, plunder and domination), while constantly hammering into americans' head that we are under threat and must "patriotically" protect the country from the evil enemies who are coming to attack "us" (the ultra-rich manipulators always say "us" and "our country" when in fact our living experience and their living experience couldn't be more different, and when in fact they work diligently against the people to create a welfare state for billionaires and transfer society's wealth upwards to enrich the richest and screw us, while lecturing is about "patriotism". See here ).
It seems to me that what he's doing is textbook example of the trick that the right-wing ruling class oppressors ALWAYS play on the people. Invoking fake "patriotism" against the so-called "threat to national interests, posed by the evil enemies of the nation" to make sure that the have-nots are kept in line obedient, saluting the flag and the ultra-rich leader (who of course loves the have-nots dearly and rwally really wants to protect us from the dangerous threats by those scary evil monstrous enemies) and so never remove them from power (juat replace every few years the right-wing liberal corporate capitalist with the right wing conservative corporate-capitalist. See here
I have heard nothing from Vance that isn't run-of-the-mill Civic Nationalism.
That said, if we can implement actual Civic Nationalism, which the Left also sees as literally Hitler, it's a hop, skip and a jump to the genuine article. So there's that, and there is hope.
I take that back, partially. The implication that one can marry-into Americana is very much true, and still in-line with Nationalism proper.
They are throwing us a bone. Trump is to catch all the normies RWers. Vance is to catch the dissidents.
They are both jew loving race mixing retards though, so it's not gonna work on me. I am not surprised everyone else falls for a few nice words thrown our way though - just because you like nationalism doesn't make you intelligent. We have voted for faggots like Vance before.
When will we stop?
Serious question - I'm very curious who on Planet Earth you would deem of sufficient quality to be elected - can you name anyone, living or dead, who would be acceptable to your standards?
Living or dead? Dead - my list is too long. Patton would be a good first choice. Post-war Patton knew the score. William Luther Pierce too, the man was a bonafide genius. Living? I do not think you would know any of these men.
I will only accept a White man who understands what actual nationalism entails, and is COMPLETELY loyal to the nation. Y'know, like the Founding Fathers. Not race-mixers, not cucks for Israel, not weak-wristed faggots like Trump and Vance. Vance and Trump have split loyalties and are more loyal to internationalists than to people like me.
They are both Judas Goats.
Thank you for the forthright answer. Appreciate it.
You have some insightful analysis here of the current political landscape. But your attack on Vance seems to be based on conjecture and not facts. I am waiting to see whether he truly evaluates people on their character instead of their skin color and whether he truly expects people to take responsibility for themselves. We are not electing him to be VP but as the next President after Trump. Let’s give him a chance to prove his ideological purity before we shitcan him
There is no way of doing blood and soil without implying that the ‘original’ people of the land have a better claim to sovereignty (possibly, an absolute, exclusive claim over anyone else, which was indeed the cornerstone claim of Aryan Nazism) than any second-comers, so when any politician appeals to ancestry, connection to land, as the basis for their nationalism but omits the ‘original’ natives, he implicitly commits to racial supremacism, relegating the old natives to the status of subhuman. He may then appeal to something like ‘but we built the roads, malls and factories’, in which case he is no longer asserting an ancestral claim on the land but on the roads, malls and factories. In short, the entire argument from ancestry or connection to land is absurd since if you take it all the way you include all of humanity anyway, since we share common ancestors who roamed the earth before nations existed and relied for their survival on the totality of life on this planet.
A better argument could be made on the basis of economic autonomy, along the lines that we have created value by means of out collective effort, it is our common property, and allowing outsiders to take it as they will amounts to theft. The argument is not perfect, and also may draw unwelcome attention to how the banking system always covertly embezzled this common property without creating any value.
At the end of the 7th day, when everyone is exhausted fighting, half of their children dead, the survivors may just start talking to one another, realise they can speak a common language (human), which is subject to the same, simple but immutable rules of sense, and maybe they will start making sense together.
All I see is ‘patchwork’ efforts everywhere. The rhetoric is somewhat encouraging, but the action falls flat. Sigh.
Yes, blood and soil.
Kicking and screaming.
Wow. I love more than anything a simple cogent argument, it suggests an answer but is not a truth thing but rather a road map to practical action that when implemented will likely beget a new perspective or argument that requires a solution and in this way we achieve anew and build success.
Bravo, dear author. I suspect he’s highly educated, maybe even an intellectual, but he doesn’t seem to be of the circle-jerk ilk so prominent in schools: wankers.
"Socially, conservatives have taken individual rights to mean, first and foremost, the right to be left alone: let us have our conservative communities, and you can have your progressive nonsense, as long as you don’t bother us with it."
How is this different than the Volk concept?