> I suspect that many of the loudest deplatformers simply are so low-level in their soul-development that all they can do is latch onto whatever they perceive as the current authority and defend it violently.

Recently was told on Twitter I should be removed from all Social Media because I stated the standard Polio vaccine narrative is faulty. Didn't even go full anti-vax but I could sense the writer's visceral pain through the monitor. Their identity revolves around a certain mythology, and is just as irrational and anti-intellectual as the religious bigots they constantly degrade.

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Locus of Control

The censorious are more external oriented, whereas the author and many of us here are more internal oriented.

Also, mental health.

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I wasn’t aware of this, of course now they’re after Substack for not being a high censorship medium or platform like youtube google facebook etc. It’s unfortunate the intolerance shown by these people to anyone who doesn’t share their views and how they consistently lower themselves in the eyes of others with always resorting to hurling insults and put downs and name calling. We all know sunshine is the best disinfectant of all. Keep up your great writing Luc. I will be becoming a paid subscriber soon.

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On Substack anyone can comment on pieces they disagree with and engage in discussion with the author. Unless they are paywalling comments, of course. But even then it's all out in the open. And if your day job is defending humanity from Nazis that would be a great way to start. Really serious Nazis will be on their own murky networks, making said day job much more difficult. But what the censors are worried about seems to be these "Nazis" influencing you and me, sucking us into their nefarious plans. They want to protect stupid us from this so we don't inadvertently contribute to The End of the World. Which is incredibly patronising, controlling and a teensy bit, er, Nazi (depending on the definition of this word)? Plus the obvious factor of any Nazis on Substack now whooping for joy at the free publicity. Will people never learn from the Trump effect?

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Well said.

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Paraphrasing Sun Tzu, if you truly know your enemy, and you truly know your self, you will not lose.

Paraphrasing Progressives: if you are white you are a racistbigotmisogynistxenohobetranshaternatzee.

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"... if you truly know your enemy..."

True. We need to better our understand our enemy.

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And you don’t understand your enemy. That you refuse to distinguish between liberal and left wing, but mistakenly conflate the two.

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"For the longest time most of my interactions were political. And, admittedly, confrontational. Now I’m trying to get away from that..."

Try harder.

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I fell off the wagon, as they say.

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Enjoyed reading your substack. I'm pretty ignorant of the specific subjects but enjoy learning about philosophy and theology. As to liberal and left wing, I wouldn't know where to start talking about what 'liberal' really means now. Classical liberal, leftist liberal, neoliberal...

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Yes! Censorship versus freedom of expression is an important dialect to get one's head around to understand the spirit of the age. Your essay goes one deeper too: ease vs. resiliency. Nice.

I wonder, though, if these are simply two different salvific strategies to achieve the same end, human mastery. To the censorious, salvation comes through eliminating suffering, while the bold achieve it through knowing.

What is revered by both parties?

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IMHO this theory of why the censorious left want to censor may be true of some of them. There is also a simpler explanation:

Most leftists do not really believe their own claims ("men can be women" "socialism brings prosperity" "Substack has a Nazi problem" etc.). If your 'beliefs' are lies, then the truth and the people who tell it are your worst enemies. So you lie about them.


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" discomfort and wishing death upon those with different opinions"

Unfortunately, more and more people that do not accept your " invitation " to learn or accept uncomfortable ideas are biologically unable to. The brainwashing from birth plus pharmaceutical poisoning of the myelin sheath is bringing on dementia in people of all ages. Plus alcohol, illegal drugs... And not to mention the absence of empathy in people with various form of autism- Asperger's, ADHD etc.

These people have varying degrees of mind blindness..have a literal understanding ( and misuse the word " literally a LOT, like, like are literally a Nazi ".😆...not literally, but wanting people dead for being different is a Nazi trait....

Abstract concepts are difficult, so I imagine that contradiction is hard too, and paradox impossible.

It is quite fortunate that they don't understand sarcasm, or I might have been killed by now😂

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Pretty easy calculus for me if the people I hate with all my guts hate nazis there must be something right about them.

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those who are willing to have the most patience and energy will always be the ones to inherit victory

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Yeah. I bet those juicy dumbshits don't know true history. Also, they search for Not See every-time they come to Sub-stack. Heck I bet they search for Not See on every fucking platform they go to. The just don't want to see Not See. NAZI NAZI NAZI

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You have it badly wrong. Hopelessly wrong.

The people who oppose Nazis on Substack have read rather a lot of history pertaining to Naziism. And that’s the precise reason for their opposition. They know the facts about the Nazi atrocities.

And they do indeed have precise criteria for who is or isn’t a Nazi. That if someone fills their account with swastikas, and writes essays claiming that the existence of the so-called “white-race” is threatened by a high cabal of Jews and globalists plotting to flood white countries with non-white immigrant and refugees; then said someone is a Nazi. Your whole essay is shots gone wide.

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If you blot the offending paragraph about Nazi definitions from your mind for a moment, and read again, you might find that the article isn't quite what you think it is.

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If I ignore the paragraph where you falsely claim that opponents of Naziism don’t have a clear idea about what they’re opposing; then you’re still Don Quixote charging windmills but expecting us to believe that their giants. Because we all know that you will never be consistent and apply this would-be analysis to someone who lights their hair on fire over critical race theory and demand that it banned.

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If I ignore the paragraph where you falsely claim that opponents of Naziism don’t have a clear idea about what their opposing; then you’re still Don Quixote charging windmills but expecting us to believe that their giants. Because we all know that you will never be consistent and apply this would-be analysis to someone who lights their hair on fire over critical race theory and demand that it banned.

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The Atlantic article that accused Substack of intentionally profiting by promoting Nazis, in the first paragraph paints "Nazi" with a broad brush as "white supremacy." According to many mainstream Democrats, anyone who voted for Trump and MAGA is a white supremacist, and therefore a Nazi, according to Jonathan M. Katz. No swastikas necessary.


Anyone who has noticed that European nations and the U.S. are indeed being flooded with immigrants and refugees is a Nazi, according to you?

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If you’re claiming that Europe and America are being flooded with immigrants as a Jewish plot to bring about the “replacement” of the so-called “white race” and you’re displaying swastikas; then, yes, you are a Nazi. Is Europe being “flooded” with refugees and immigrants? Maybe it is but if you’re indifferent about their skin colour, why should you worry about an anti-Nazi policy? You shouldn’t.

If you’re just merely a Trump supporter, then why should you care? When Trump himself wants to show case how many non-whites support him.

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If you will indulge me, just so that I am clear: If (1) “you’re claiming that Europe and America are being flooded with immigrants as a Jewish plot to bring about the “replacement” of the so-called “white race”, AND (2) you’re displaying swastikas; then, (3) you are a Nazi.

So, if, arguendo, I claim (1) but I don’t display swastikas (2), am I still a Nazi according to you? What if I just think there is a generalized plot to flood America with foreigners for nefarious purposes, but I don’t ascribe it to “the Jews” (and I also don’t display swastikas) - am I still a Nazi according to you?

Thank you for any clarity you’re willing to offer in response.

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If you claim there’s a general plot to flood America with foreigners but don’t blame Jews and don’t display swastikas; then there’s no evidence that you’re a Nazi but it looks suspicious. But we still can’t call you a Nazi.

If you claim there’s a general plot to flood America with foreigners but specifically disavow a claim that there’s Jews behind it and specifically disavow swastikas as hate symbols; then we definitely can not call you a Nazi.

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Thank you for your civil reply. If I may ask for a further clarification - when you say in regards to my first hypothetical, “but it looks suspicious” - what do you mean? That one may reasonably suspect I’m a Nazi but just can’t definitively say so because i have, let’s say, had the restraint to not blame a specific group and not display swastikas?

I don’t have a direction I’m going with this, so feel free to ignore. I appreciate your engagement.

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You’ve more-or-less answered your own question.

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