
Thank you! You make some interesting observations about the relationship between the left hemisphere and reductionist thinking that explain a lot about skepticism on the Internet these days. I wonder if the history and origin of reductionist thought can be traced to any specific civilisational age or event? Is it really a child of the Enlightenment, or a latent aspect of human nature that has expressed and regressed in phases since history began?

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My comment from this great article... Maybe you should rethink where you are centered to. Maybe question the authority in your own head that latches onto things as being "true" vs "false".

Maybe reconsider your own judgement, that you have and can still fool yourself. Maybe those that think they are not fooled are in fact the fooled ones!

Reply to this great article: https://escapingmasspsychosis.substack.com/p/the-master-betrayed-11

Left hemisphere science:

People are sick. Let's find THE cause. Ok it's viruses or bacteria. Problem solved.

Now let's find toxic chemicals that can kill these viruses to help people. (Never mind that toxic chemicals introduce their own issues)

Right hemisphere science:

There are a lot of factors to sickness. Viruses are a misinterpretation of the result of such sickness as the cause. How about we treat the obvious issues first, see what happens before we "go nuclear" with toxic drugs and shots?

Cult science thinking: (left brained with a dash of right brained "harmony" feelings)

The people who question virus theory are like flat earthers because we absolutely know that viruses exist. Our authorities told us so. It doesn't matter that there are huge doubts in how viruses are proven because we know the truth. Anyone who questions the truth is obviously crazy. And no, we are not crazy because we trust an authority over the actual data.

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