Hey, I just wanted to add one more thing that I have found to happen during my 64 year old life which is the “ bad times” come and go and the “bad things” usually do happen in threes as old folklore suggests. Life is karma there is indeed Ying and Yang, you go through long periods of relative peace and happiness and familiarity and routine and then suddenly out of the blue you are thrust into stressful situations both internally and external factors beyond your control but you now have learned that nothing lasts forever and that things will take a turn for the better again, so you grit your teeth and hang in there! The lessons are learned through our mistakes, our immaturity, our inability to own our own bad behaviour or our part we played in it, which truly only comes with age and self acceptance. I found our biggest mistake is to convince ourselves that we are completely in charge of our own lives and our own destiny because when everything in your life can be changed in a heartbeat , so suddenly and without your will or beyond your control that teaches you that no, you fooled yourself, into believing you had full control! Why? Because it is much more comforting to believe and especially so now during these volatile and scary times.

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Seneca said it, or maybe not: Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Yet this critical meeting is never assured. A riff on it takes two to tango 😏

There is no free lunch. Otoh, there is no price tag attached to stuff that matters most. Your Simone Weil quote points at one of this species. So it goes [in affairs human] 🙂


PS Reinstalled after the mishap of deletion. Seemed not right after a like. And to fight back the bad luck 😇

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